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Selectboard -- Town of Princeton, Mass. – Jan. 29, 2018 – 2 PM
– Meeting w/Adv. Cmte.– Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Jon Fudeman, Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian. Richard Bisk was absent.  Adv. Cmte. members: Chair John Shipman, Wayne Adams, Judy Dino, Jim O’Coin and Don Schoeny

Wachusett Earthday – Group discussed contract/municipal agreement with Wachusett Earthday, which operates a recycling program. Any revisions could be made at a future date. Board voted all in favor to sign the agreement.
Culvert repair  – The board voted all in favor to allow Nina to sign a contract with the engineering firm for $17,400.00 to develop plans for culvert repair work on Route 31.
Historical Commissioner resigns – The Select Board voted all in favor to accept with regret the resignation of Joe Lee from the Historical Commission. He had served since 2005.
Library budget – Director Mary Barroll presented her budget requests for FY’19. Operations were level-funded except for additional computer and printer equipment. Higher-quality hardware is needed. Guardian Information Technologies of Leominster was hired to upgrade security and a new firewall has bee successful, with fewer problems occurring. The revolving fund is unchanged. The roof repair project should be completed by summer. Jim O. asked about the age of the heating system. Mary extended gratitude to town officials, trustees and Friends for continued support.
                Library Trustees Chair Jane Weisman noted that the five-year plan was current so library’s eligible for grant monies. She reported that Northland Restoration is replacing the over-100 year old windows which will be scheduled between other projects. It was noted that the library is seeing more patrons registered and higher attendance at programs. Discussion moved to the need for more maintenance staff, and possibly a project manager.
Police budget – Chief Michele Powers and Sgt. Rick Thebeau were in to explain proposed budget requests. Salary increases for administrative staff are two percent. For full/part-time officers a three percent increase has been negotiated, given negotiated salary that the union turned back after the ice storm and was promised to receive in the future. Overtime is level-funded and cost for regional dispatch has decreased with addition of West Boylston. Police expenses are unchanged. Bullet-proof vests need replacing in spring at end of their five-year life. The $10,000 cost will be funded by state and federal grants, obtained by the Police Department, each covering half.
                Group discussed roles of police staff with EMTs and emergency protocols. The department is staffed 24/7 with three fulltime and 10 part-time officers. Rick distributed charts outlining police cruiser mileage comparing last year and what’s anticipated next year, explaining drive vs. idle time, engine wear and maintenance. Michele discussed cost of repairs for cruisers; the department has five vehicles and none have been replaced in two years. There was discussion about leasing and purchasing—leasing divides costs into three-year increments.
        A list of the various types of police calls was presented verbally by Sgt. Thebeau, by number and priority as well as response times. The chief gave an explanation of overtime line funds. Adv. Cmte. members noted pressing needs with funding possibly being diverted to facilities upgrades rather than vehicles. Michele offered to hold off on vehicle purchases but by putting it off, the town will have to replace three cruisers all at once. She added that all equipment is stripped out of old vehicles and re-installed in new ones. It was suggested to return to the scheduled cycle of acquiring one vehicle per year, with one in FY’19 and another in FY’20. The Adv. Cmte. will consider this recommendation or other options and report back.
        The chief reported that 15 individuals were arrested in 2017 but Princeton has no facilities for them and they had to be transported to a holding cell in Holden, or temporarily handcuffed to the wall in the public safety building.
Chain of command – The boards discussed individual members communicating on their own with vendors/contractors with whom the town is working. The board agreed that all communications should go through T.A. office and a memo will go to John S. regarding this chain of command, for sharing with entire Adv. Cmte.
Scheduling meetings – Nina noted that Fire Dept. and Road Adv. Cmte. need re-scheduling and these budget meetings will take place during regular S.B. meetings at 7:30 PM and alternating Mondays at 2 PM. Representatives from both S.B. and Adv. Cmte. are asked to attend the Five-Town Roundtable in Rutland and Nina request an agenda and send to John S. Edith stated that architects will be here at 9:30 AM on Saturday Feb. 3 to tour Bagg Hall and the Annex.
Adv. Cmte. adjourned

Maintenance staff – Group discussed contracting electricians and plumbers to supplement town staff, which is stretched thin, or hiring a P/T maintenance person. Library water line froze recently and some residual issues went on for weeks. Several options were considered.
Monty Tech District Agreement – Gardner Mayor Mark Hawke has notified all member towns about a Monty Tech School Committee meeting on April 7. He insists member towns need to be represented in a change being proposed to the district agreement. The S.B. noted that John Mollica is the Princeton delegate on the school cmte. and Jon does not believe that S.B. attendance is needed at this time. They will respond to Hawke with regrets that they will not attend.
S.B. meeting cancelled – With Nina, Richy, and Marie out on Feb. 5, the Feb. 5 S.B. meeting will be cancelled as the only agenda item was the TA contract/review. The board will come in on Tuesday, Feb. 6 to sign warrant FY’18-16.

Executive Session 4:20 PM -- in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21:-- Jon moved and Edith seconded to go into executive session, and return to regular session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A.       Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel. In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye”


Adjourned Executive Session 4:36 PM In roll call, board voted to adjourn from Exec. Session and return to open session.

Returned to Open Session at 4:36 PM The board voted to implement 2% pay increases for personnel policy employees for FY19.

Adjourned 4:37 PM

Respectfully submitted, Terri Longtine, admin. assist.

Selectboard Referenced Documents:  Budget memo/charts & list of the various types of police calls from police chief; letter from Gardner mayor; budget/annual report from library; resignation of Joe Lee.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department